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Vehicle Licensing

We have adopted policies and procedures for the licensing of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles. It is very important that you read these before applying for a vehicle licence. They are included in the Council's Taxi Policy which can be downloaded here

Information on the criteria that must be met by any vehicle to be used as a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle is contained in the policy, and advice on how to apply for a licence.

Applying for a licence

Download application forms for vehicle licences here:

Hackney Carriage vehicle application form

Private Hire vehicle application form

Vehicle Licence Transfer application form (new owner)

You can submit your application by email to You should attach your application form and legible scans or photographs of the supporting documents, including the receipt for the application fee, to a single email if possible. 

The fees charged in relation to applying for a licence can be found on our licensing fees and charges page.

Pay for your licence and any other licence related products

Paying for your licence and any related products can be done online

Table of fares

Taxi fares for Hackney Carriages are set by the Council and calculated by a taximeter fitted in the vehicle. Hackney Carriages must be fitted with a taximeter, but it is optional for Private Hire vehicles. The taximeter displays the maximum charge payable for a journey, but drivers are free to charge less than the fee calculated by the taximeter.

Table of fares can be found here

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