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Seated Strength and Balance Exercise Class

  • Wednesdays
  • 12pm (for 1 hour)
  • Bromsgrove Methodist Centre, 19 Stratford Road, Bromsgrove. B60 1AS
  • £5.00 pay as you go

Moving more can help you to stay healthy, mobile and independent as you get older.   It does become more important to remain active as we age, if you want to stay healthy and maintain your independence.

The community exercises that we support will help you to improve your strength, balance and co-ordination.  Classes include exercises that will improve your heart health and general fitness.  Movement is good for your mental health too, as it increases endorphins and just makes you feel good!

Seated balance

  If you would like to know more about this exercise class please contact Juanita on 07856 565639


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