Subsidies for affordable housing
Affordable housing schemes may qualify for Government subsidies to support their delivery. Find out more here from GOV.UK.
Section 106 sites
Affordable housing sites that have come about through Section 106 Agreements are only usually eligible for subsidy if they are explicitly supported by us.
To be supported by us they must be delivered through our local enabling partnership and be subject to various appraisals. Please contact us for more information.
How we enable affordable housing
We work in partnership with certain local housing associations to enable the development of new affordable housing sites.
We generally expect partners to:
- Support planning policy objectives
- Invest in affordable housing through new build, regeneration, remodelling, and improvements to existing housing
- Increased the choices available to people looking for affordable housing
- Create sustainable communities with excellent services for residents
- Participate in an ongoing understanding of housing needs
- Respond quickly to changing conditions
- Maximising effective use of land and other assets
- Continually improve service standards and monitoring.
Principal Partners
Preferred partners
- Viridian (Servite) Houses
- Bromford Housing Group
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