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Bin Collections
Benefits & Support
Council Tax
Cost of Living
Council Jobs
Active Bromsgrove
Places to Visit
Bins and Recycling
Find your bin day, report a missed bin, have bulky items collected, request a replacement bin if a bin is damaged or lost and information about recycling.
Street Cleaning
From tackling litter and dog mess to abandoned cars and community action, we're all working for a cleaner, safer Bromsgrove
Landscape and Trees
Our services for your local environment, including landscape maintenance, trees, drainage, flooding and more.
Septic tanks and cesspool emptying
If you have a septic tank, cesspit or cesspool we can empty it for you at low cost.
Everything you need to know about parking in Bromsgrove, including blue badges, our car parks, paying and appealing parking charges and permits
Roads and transport
Keeping the district's streets safe and secure.
Empty Homes
Empty homes can attract vandalism and anti-social behaviour, and are a wasted resource for both the owner and people that need a home - so we try to bring them back into use.
Encampments of gypsies and travellers
How to enquire about encampments of gypsies and travellers, how to protect your land and a short summary of the law on police powers.
Noise, pollution and pests
Worcestershire Regulatory Services provide services to reduce noise, pollution and pests to help protect you. You will be re-directed to the WRS website
Food and Drink
Advise for consumers about food complaints, food safety, the food hygiene ratings scheme and the reporting and investigation of food borne illness and diseases
Dog Warden Service
Dog Warden Service delivered by Worcestershire Regulatory Services.
Find me a Home
Find somewhere to live in Bromsgrove here, including renting a home from us or other landlords and if you're at risk of homelessness.
Home repairs
If your home is in need of repair, we may be able to help.
Living in a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Help and advice if you are living in Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Help with landlords or neighbouring properties
If you're experiencing problems with landlords or neighbouring properties we may be able to help.
Immigration Property inspection
Immigration inspections are required to ensure that when people come to the UK their accommodation conforms to acceptable standards & will not be overcrowded.
Caravan and Mobile Homes
Information for residents living in caravan and mobile home sites, guidance on mobile home and caravan site licenses and how to apply for a license.
Improve or adapt my home
Information, help and advice on how you can improve or adapt your home.
View and Comment on Planning Applications
You can view and comment on planning applications and related documents here
Planning Permission
You can find out about our pre-application service and fees and how to submit your application here
Planning Enforcement
For development without the required planning permission, or is not in accordance with the approved details, a breach of planning may have occurred and we may proceed to take formal enforcement action.
Planning Legislative Changes and Guidance
Useful information and guidance relating to planning decision-making in Bromsgrove
Section 106 Agreements
Section 106 Agreements or planning obligations, are agreements to make local improvements that developers can enter into to make a development acceptable
Planning Appeals
If you do not agree with a decision we have made on a planning application or enforcement matter, or if we do not make a decision within the set time limits, you can appeal
Planning - History
Wishing to research the history of your property and obtain plans of previous planning applications?
Here are our contact details.
Building control regulations and advice
If you're considering building or altering a property we have a complete Building Control service, from pre-application advice through to inspection certification.
Safety and Demolition
We can help make sure your buildings are safe. If you want to demolish a building or structure, you will need to let us know.
Land charges
Protect your investment when buying or selling any property by getting the most thorough local land searches from us
Street naming and numbering
Anyone wishing to change the name or number of their property or seeking an address for a new property should complete our online application form.
Land registry
Register the ownership of land and property in England and Wales. HM Land Registry is a non-ministerial department.
Your property boundaries GOV.UK
Boundary disputes, deeds and legal advice from Gov.UK
Report a street lighting issue
Report a street lighting issue to Worcestershire County Council
Noise, pollution and pest complaints
Worcestershire Regulatory Services provide services to reduce noise, pollution and pests to help protect you. Find out more here.
Vehicular Dropped Kerb
You will need approval from Worcestershire County Council (WCC) for vehicular dropped kerb works. Find out more here.
Births, deaths, marriage & citizenship
Information about birth and death registration services, marriage ceremonies, options for funeral arrangements and bereavement support.
Getting Around
Find out all about your community transport. parking, and Blue Badges here.
Support at home
If you want help and advice in the home, click here for our range of services.
Staying Healthy
Useful advice to help you take care of your mental and physical wellbeing.
Starting Well Partnership in Worcestershire
Our FREE service supports parents of children and Young people 0 to 19 years and facilitates a variety of evidence-based groups for parents.
Support for Ukraine
If you want to offer some support to the people of Ukraine, here's some information on ways you can help.
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Charter
Bromsgrove District Council has pledged its support to residents and carers living with Motor Neurone Disease by signing up to the Motor Neurone Disease Charter
Have you ever thought about volunteering? Here are some great opportunities in the area.
Worcestershire Association of Carers
Charity providing a range of information, advice and support to all unpaid carers in and around Worcestershire.
Your Services Working Together For You
We know times are hard right now. On this page you will find a range of information to help you access support and advice to support you with the rising cost of living
Benefits and Financial Support
Find out about Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and other financial support.
Register for Council Tax, find ways to pay Council Tax, access your Council Tax account. check your Council Tax Band, claim Council Tax discounts and exemptions, Council Tax information for Landlords and information about your Council Tax bill, who is liable to pay Council Tax and how your Council Tax is spent.
Jobs and volunteering
Find out more about careers working for the council, volunteering opportunities and guidance on starting your own business.
People & Skills- UK Shared Prosperity Fund
Organisations that provide support to access benefits, gain new skills/qualifications and valuable experiences to help secure employment. Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund until March 2025
Free School Meals
Make a free school meal application online and check eligibility if your child attends a state school
Apply for a school place
How to apply for a primary and secondary school place and how to complete an in-year application to move to another school.
School and college travel
Find advice on getting your child to school, apply for school and college travel and find out about the review and appeals process.
School term dates
Find term and holiday dates for local authority maintained schools in Worcestershire, including dates for the next school year
Our CCTV system operates over 100 cameras in public places across the district, and communicates directly to the police.
CrimeStoppers is an independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and stop crime – 100% anonymously.
Dangerous buildings
If you believe a building or structure has become dangerous please report it to us as soon as possible.
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse takes many forms including physical violence. We're here to support you, challenge perpetrators and educate the public
Drugs and alcohol
Are you worried about yours or someone else's drinking or drug use? Here you will find local support services
Emergency planning
24-hour civil protection and emergency planning ensures services can be delivered during a major incident.
Environmental health and licencing
Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) delivers Environmental Health functions such as food safety, pollution control, dog service, pest control & licencing.
Home safety and security
Problems with water, gas and electrical systems in your home will sometimes occur. Improve your safety by using our basic guidelines.
NEW Lifeline
Our community alarm service provides peace of mind 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to vulnerable people and their families. Delivered by Redditch Borough Council.
Nominated Neighbour Scheme
Our Nominated Neighbour scheme to deter cold callers and rogue traders can help neighbours work together to ward off doorstep criminals.
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership work together to reduce crime, fear of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour that affect our communities to help you feel safe
Older and Vulnerable Residents
Resources and advice to protect our more vulnerable residents from crime
Protect Protection of Premises Terrorism Bill
Information for staff and the public on how to make their locations and people safer.
Report a hate crime - GOV.UK
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, transgender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes & should be reported to the police.
Report hate crime or hate incident
Types of hate incidents and how you can report a hate crime or hate incident to our Community Safety Team and the Police.
District Play Areas Getting Much Needed Love
The District Council are undertaking works to upgrade and improve several play areas across Bromsgrove.
12 Feb 2025
Sports Team Grants Prove a Success
Plenty of Bromsgrove sporting institutions have benefitted from Sports Teams Grants under a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grants programme.
04 Feb 2025
What It Means To Provide A Safe Place To Live
Bromsgrove District Council has launched a campaign in a bid to find more hosts to give a home to families fleeing Ukraine.
24 Jan 2025
Holocaust To Be Remembered in Bromsgrove
Residents are invited to join the Vice-Chairman of Bromsgrove District Council, Cllr Bakul Kumar, and Rev Ray Khan later this month for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Service.
13 Jan 2025
Rehab Sessions Start Soon for Residents
The latest round of free ESCAPE-pain rehab sessions for sufferers of arthritic pain are due to start next month across the district.
06 Jan 2025
Calling all sports clubs
Sports clubs in Bromsgrove District are being urged to check out potential opportunities to improve their facilities at a special meeting being planned for the New Year.
23 Dec 2024
Take a look
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