Allotments are a great way of keeping fit as well as giving you the chance to meet new friends and grow fresh produce
Apply for a school place
How to apply for a primary and secondary school place and how to complete an in-year application to move to another school.
Assisted bin collection
If you struggle with getting your bins kerbside we may be able to help. See if you meet the criteria for this service.
Benefits and Financial Support
Find out about Council Tax Support, Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and other financial support.
Book an event in our Public Open Spaces
If you want to plan and book an event in our public open spaces, no matter the size of your event we can support you to do it.
Bromsgrove Centres and Market
The Council set out an approach to supporting all centres in its Bromsgrove Centres Strategy
Building Control - Regulations and Advice
If you are considering building or altering a property we have a complete Building Control service, from pre-application advice to inspection certification.
Bulky collections
We can take away your unwanted furniture, white goods and other bulky household items at very low cost.
Business Waste
For all your business waste requirements from a few small bags to multiple large wheeled containers, we're local, flexible, and for you.
BURT community transport
BURT is a door-to-door community transport service for residents of the district who can't use public transport.
Bus Passes and Concessionary Fares
The Concessionary Bus Pass scheme offers eligible elderly and disabled people free travel on local bus services anywhere in England.
Business Rates Refund
Account in Credit? Request a refund. Find out more here
Caravan and Mobile Homes
Information for residents living in caravan and mobile home sites, guidance on mobile home and caravan site licenses and how to apply for a license.
Claim discounts and exemptions
Find out more about Council Tax discounts and exemptions including how to apply for and cancel a single persons discount and how to tell us about a bereavement
Council Tax refund
If your Council Tax account is in credit, request a refund here.
Council Tax Support
You may be able to get support with Council Tax if you or someone who lives with you are on a low income or disabled
Disabled Facilities Grants
If you're a homeowner you may be able to get help to pay for essential adaptations to your home if you or someone who lives with you has a disability.
Electoral Register
All you need to know about the Electoral Register can be found here, including viewing and opting out
Freedom of Information (FOI)
You can find everything about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and making FOI requests here.
Free School Meals
Make a free school meal application online and check eligibility if your child attends a state school
Garden Waste Service
Everything you need to know about our garden waste service
Grants & funding
Find out more about grant and funding help and support for your organisation or business here
Jobs and volunteering
Find out more about careers working for the council, volunteering opportunities and guidance on starting your own business.
Join Bromsgrove market
Wanting to expanding or start a retail business? Why not start with a stall at Bromsgrove Market in the High Street?
Landlords Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) - the requirements
Here are some of the licences and permits you may need for your new business.
Managing your trees including TPO
Many trees are protected by law. Find out what you need to do before you can carry out any work on them here
Planning Permission
You can find out about our pre-application service and fees and how to submit your application here
Property and Land sales
If you want to apply to buy a small piece of land you can find out how to apply here
Request new or replacement bin
Request a replacement green or grey bin if they are missing or damaged, or new bins if you have moved into a new build or a property with no bins.
Septic tanks and cesspool emptying
If you have a septic tank, cesspit or cesspool we can empty it for you at low cost.
If you have difficulty walking you can register to use our equipment to help you get around Bromsgrove town centre.
Sponsor a roundabout
Looking for a new way to promote your business? Sponsor our roundabouts to advertise to up to 20,000 passing vehicles a day for as little as £2,400 a year.
Street Name and Numbering
Contact Street Name and Numbering
Tax, funding & finance
Pay Business Rates (non-domestic rates), log into your business rates account, register a business or tell us you have moved and find out about business rates reductions.
Temporary Event Notices
Planning an event that includes licensable activities on unlicensed premises? Notify us at least 10 working days before your event.
Temporary Footpath and Road Closures
Guidance for Temporary Road and Footpath closures and how to apply for a closure
Vehicular Dropped Kerb
You will need approval from Worcestershire County Council (WCC) for vehicular dropped kerb works. Find out more here.
Have you ever thought about volunteering? Here are some great opportunities in the area.
Voter ID requirement
Voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. Find out more about the process here
Find out how voting works in the UK. Check if you can vote, register to vote, find out how to vote in person, by post or by proxy and what identification is now required to vote.
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