Abandoned vehicles
How to check if a vehicle meets the criteria for an abandoned vehicle and how to report it to us.
Bus timetables and journey planner
Plan your journey, search for bus timetables or find out about bus service disruptions. Delivered by Worcestershire County Council
Electric vehicles
Here's information on the things we're doing relating to electric vehicles and electric charging points in Bromsgrove District.
Find My Street
Find My Street shows every street in England and Wales that’s held in the National Street Gazetteer.
Gritting, ice and snow
Report an issue with a gritting route or request a new grit bin. Delivered by Worcestershire County Council.
Litter and Spillages
Let us know if you have noticed litter or a spillage in an area.
MOT Testing
Get your vehicles MOT tested at our approved, independent test centre.
Report a road, highway or travel route issue
Reporting options for road, highway or travel route issues.
See latest roadworks, travel updates and routes delivered by Worcestershire County Council.
Sponsor a roundabout
Looking for a new way to promote your business? Sponsor our roundabouts to advertise to up to 20,000 passing vehicles a day for as little as £2,400 a year.
Street naming and numbering
Anyone Wishing to change the name or number of their property or seeking an address for a new property should complete our online application form.
Taxi licensing enforcement
How to report a concern or complaint about a drivers behaviour or the condition of their vehicle.
Temporary Footpath and Road Closures
Guidance for Temporary Road and Footpath closures and how to apply for a closure
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