Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse takes many forms including physical violence. Our network of partners is here to support you, challenge perpetrators and educate the public.
Confidential and often free services are here to offer advice and support to individuals experiencing domestic abuse.
Women's Aid offer a range of support services for those suffering from domestic abuse.
More information
There is lots of information and support available via the Worcestershire County Council website
Domestic Homicide Reviews
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) were introduced on 13 April 2011 as part of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004.
They consider the circumstances leading to the death of a person as a result of a domestic violence incident and identify where lessons could be learned and responses to the situation could have been improved. They are on top of inquests and any other inquiry being carried out into the death.
The findings are then published by Community Safety Partnerships which are legally responsible for overseeing DHRs. Domestic Homicide Reviews relating to our area can be found on the North Worcestershire CSP website.
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