Keeping safe in the District
Our CCTV system operates over 100 cameras in public places across the district, and communicates directly to the police.
CrimeStoppers is an independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and stop crime – 100% anonymously.
Dangerous buildings
If you believe a building or structure has become dangerous please report it to us as soon as possible.
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse takes many forms including physical violence. We're here to support you, challenge perpetrators and educate the public
Drugs and alcohol
Are you worried about yours or someone else's drinking or drug use? Here you will find local support services
Emergency planning
24-hour civil protection and emergency planning ensures services can be delivered during a major incident.
Environmental health and licencing
Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) delivers Environmental Health functions such as food safety, pollution control, dog service, pest control & licencing.
Home safety and security
Problems with water, gas and electrical systems in your home will sometimes occur. Improve your safety by using our basic guidelines.
NEW Lifeline
Our community alarm service provides peace of mind 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to vulnerable people and their families. Delivered by Redditch Borough Council.
Nominated Neighbour Scheme
Our Nominated Neighbour scheme to deter cold callers and rogue traders can help neighbours work together to ward off doorstep criminals.
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership work together to reduce crime, fear of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour that affect our communities to help you feel safe
Older and Vulnerable Residents
Resources and advice to protect our more vulnerable residents from crime
Protect Protection of Premises Terrorism Bill
Information for staff and the public on how to make their locations and people safer.
Report a hate crime - GOV.UK
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, transgender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes & should be reported to the police.
Report hate crime or hate incident
Types of hate incidents and how you can report a hate crime or hate incident to our Community Safety Team and the Police.
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