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Photo Consent

Many thanks for agreeing to take part in photography for us.

Please review the following and then complete the simple form.

General consent

I hereby give Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council permission to use and reproduce the photographs/digital media of myself or my child under the age of 16 as described below.

These photographs will be used to promote the activities of Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council and may appear in any council material in printed or electronic form including web sites, in multimedia productions, leaflets or community publications. Please note that websites can be seen worldwide and not just in the UK where UK law applies.

All stored versions of these photographs, whether printed or electronic will be owned by Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council. Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council will be the holder of copyright unless otherwise agreed.

This consent for use for promotional/publicity purposes is valid for two years and the details on this form will be held for that period. Photos/digital media will cease to be used after this time for publicity/promotional purposes but may still archived for historical/corporate memory purposes. Names of those in the photographs may also be held, but contact details will be destroyed after two years.

As a Local Authority we collect, hold and process information supplied by you in accordance with the Data Protection Act, to allow us to provide services effectively.  You can find out more regarding this and privacy notices here.

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