Redditch Growth
Study Into The Future Growth Implications of Redditch First Stage Report (September 2007)
White Young Green Consulting (WYG) was commissioned in May 2007 by Worcestershire County Council, in conjunction with the planning authorities of Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District, to carry out a strategic assessment of the implications for potential future growth within and adjoining Redditch Borough over the period to 2026. In July 2007, the commission was extended to review the implications of growth on the edge of Redditch for Stratford-on-Avon District, which abuts Redditch to the east, when Stratford-on-Avon Council joined the commission. The study is strategic in its scope and is to be used to inform the sub-regional decision making processes relating to the development of a preferred option of Phase 2 of the Partial Revision of the Regional Spatial Strategy for the West Midlands region to 2026.
Study Into The Future Growth Implications of Redditch Second Stage Report (January 2009)
The Stage 2 study reviewed the findings of the 2007 study and considered in more detail how best to distribute the required growth scenarios to Redditch’s existing urban area including land within Bromsgrove and Stratford on Avon District Council areas.
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