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What is the Electoral Register?

The law makes it compulsory to provide information to an electoral registration officer for inclusion in the full register.

You can get on the electoral register (sometimes called the electoral roll), or update your name or address details, below.

To register to vote please go to 

Adding a name to a Canvass Communication Form you may have received is NOT a registration

There are two versions of the electoral register:

1. The full register that's used for electoral purposes such as making sure only eligible people can vote, and for other limited purposes specified in law, such as detecting crime, calling people for jury service and checking credit applications.

You must be on the electoral register to be able to vote, and if you are not on it you may have difficulty getting certain types of credit such as mobile phone contracts.
2. The open register (sometimes called the edited register) that’s available to anyone who wants to buy a copy. For example, it is used by businesses and charities to confirm name and address details.

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