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Green Belt Purposes Assessment

Green Belt Purposes Assessment: Part 1 (Aug 2019)

Bromsgrove District Council has completed a Green Belt Purposes Part One Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the Bromsgrove Green Belt against the Green Belt Purposes. This assessment has been carried out in accordance with the previously consulted upon (Sep-Nov 2018) Green Belt Purposes Assessment Methodology.

The Part 1 Assessment is the first stage in a wider process of Green Belt and site allocation work. This document does not, and is not intended to, justify the release of land from the Green Belt and it does not consider the development potential of land. It is purely intended to establish a baseline of how the Green Belt currently performs and is a starting point for more detailed site assessment and Green Belt assessment work to follow.

Green Belt Purposes Assessment Methodology (Sep 2018, Revised Aug 2019)

The Green Belt Purposes Assessment Methodology will guide the process in identifying whether Green Belt land in Bromsgrove continues to fulfil one or more of the Green Belt purposes. The Assessment will take place in two parts: Part 1 is to take stock of the Green Belt within Bromsgrove. It will provide an opportunity to better understand how the Green Belt in the District performs. Part 2 will assess individual sites against the purposes of the Green Belt.

Green Belt Purposes Assessment - Part 1 documents


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