UKSPF Projects
Note: This page was last updated: 06 June 2024
Below is a table of all current UK Shared Prosperity Fund Projects that have or will receive funding.
This page will be updated as new projects are added or additional funding is given to existing projects.
Project Name |
Project Description |
Project Value |
CCTV Digital Upgrade | The digital upgrade to CCTV in Brook Road Park to improve safety and crime prevention | £50,000 |
Act on Energy Caseworker | A holistic advice, support, and intervention service for the most vulnerable/ fuel poor households in the district who may be experiencing multiple and interrelated issues around the energy efficiency of their home, their wellbeing, health, income and household debt. | £141,000 |
Friendship Matters | A social club offering bespoke activities to older people in Alvechurch. The club provides creative and physical activities for those who are, or are at risk of becoming, isolated and/or lonely. It provides meaningful and enjoyable activities which result in new friendships, sustained networks, improved resourcefulness, more confidence and, ultimately, a better quality of life. | £6,000 |
Aston Fields Christmas Lights Infrastructure | A capital grant to fund the installation of Christmas lights infrastructure in Aston Fields local centre. The project facilitated festive celebrations in 2022 and will continue to create opportunities for the community to come together to celebrate Christmas for years to come. | £6,000 |
Centres Public Realm Enhancement Programme | This project is a programme of public realm improvements to the town and local centres including improved signage, new street furniture, lighting and general uplift. | £106,000 |
Volunteer It Yourself | VIY is delivering a range of community infrastructure projects in the district. Each project will provide improved community facilities, create volunteering opportunities and support young people to learn trade skills. | £270,000 |
The Volunteer Centre | The Volunteer Centre provides a match-making service between residents that want to volunteer and organisations that have suitable opportunities. The project will promote the benefits of volunteering for individuals’ wellbeing, improved employability and the benefit to the community. | £34,000 |
Advice First Aiders | A Citizens Advice Bureau outreach programme providing community-based signposting and referrals to a range of agencies and services that are on offer. | £45,000 |
Park Improvements | A programme of enhancements to parks in the district to improve accessibility, increase amenity and to encourage active travel. | £195,000 |
Refurbishment of Blackwell Community Hall | The refurbishment of Blackwell Community Hall to improve facilities and to bring redundant space into use. | £19,000 |
Support to Local Business | This project provides a comprehensive suite of support and grants to help businesses to start-up, grow, innovate and pursue net zero. | £400,000 |
Betaden | Betaden is a commercial technology accelerator that supports technology entrepreneurs and businesses to commercialise their innovations with a focus on the key sectors in the county. | £130,000 |
Worcestershire Growth Hub | A business support service providing triage and diagnostic, signposting and referrals, account management, and direct professional business advice to Bromsgrove businesses. | £170,000 |
Shop Frontage & Empty Retail Unit Grant | A grant programme for businesses to make improvements to their shop frontages and to occupy empty retail units. | £78,000 |
Coffee in the Community | A campaign to encourage people to return to the town centre and their local centres as they opened up post-Covid. | £3,0000 |
Room for Risk | A grant programme to help organisations to deliver cultural and artistic activities in interesting places | £33,000 |
Wythall Park | Improvements to enhance the park’s safety and improve the facilities | £50,000 |
Visit Worcestershire | Campaign to promote the food & beverage offer in Bromsgrove including a “restaurant week” | £30,000 |
BEAM | A community-based programme where economically inactive residents are supported by keyworkers to provide peer mentorship and tailored coaching. | £80,000 |
Engage Bromsgrove | Focussing on priority areas in the district, this project will help residents to secure employment, access training and build job skills. | £79,500 |
Worcestershire Skills Boost | A flexible business skills programme offering support to businesses to identify skill need and training solutions to improve productivity and support growth. | £152,500 |
Careers Worcestershire | Providing help to people who are currently economically inactive with finding suitable work placements | £200,000 |
The Application Station | Support to people who are currently economically inactive with application and interview guidance together with follow up support | £30,000 |
Sports Team Grant |
Sports grant which local sport teams can apply to develop and support activities, tournaments and events |
£5,000 |
North Rubery Skate Park | Upgrade to the BMX track at Callowbrook Road. | £30,000 |
Safer Street Improvements |
Environmental improvements to reduce crime in areas of highest need |
£20,000 |
Community Infrastructure Grants |
Grants to deliver improvements to community spaces in the district or to hold organised events/activities. |
£152,554 |
Community Grant for Employability Support |
Grants of up to £20,000 to third sector and other small organisation who work with economically inactive and disadvantaged people to fund activity that enables those furthest from the labour market to progress towards employment. |
£40,000 |
Bromsgrove Business Boost Grant |
Match-funded grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to help established businesses to make a step change, scale-up and grow. | £40,000 |
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