What is the Cabinet Work Programme?
The Cabinet Work Programme lists all of the Key Decisions which it is proposed to take in the coming months. It is published on a monthly basis covering a four month period.
The purpose of the Work Programme is to give notice of those decisions and an opportunity for consultation.
Key Decisions are executive decisions which must be taken or delegated by the Council's Cabinet and relate to matters which fall within the Council's agreed Budget and Policy Framework.
Key Decisions
Key Decisions are those executive decisions which are likely to:
result in the Council incurring expenditure, foregoing income or the making of savings in excess of £200.000 or which are otherwise significant having regard to the Council’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or
be significant in terms of its effect on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the district;
Key Decisions will include:
A decision which would result in any expenditure or saving by way of a reduction in expenditure of £200.000 provided the expenditure or saving is specifically approved in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
A virement of any amount exceeding £200.000 provided it is within any virement limits approved by the Council;
Any proposal to dispose of any Council asset with a value of £200.000 or more or which is otherwise considered significant by the Corporate Property Officer;
Any proposal to cease to provide a Council service (other than a temporary cessation of service of not more than 6 months).
Any proposal which would discriminate for or against any minority group.
Cabinet Work Programmes published after 1st December 2017 can be accessed from the Council's Committee pages.
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