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Sports Team Grants Prove a Success

Plenty of Bromsgrove sporting institutions have benefitted from Sports Teams Grants under a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grants programme.

Over the last year, several Sports Clubs and Organisations have been successful in securing grants through the Sports Team Grant Scheme.

The funding has been used to help and support these groups to develop or create activities, tournaments, teams and leagues for people aged 16 and over.

The Sports Team Grant Scheme received £5k from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Cabinet Member for Leisure and Climate Change, Cllr. Bernard McEldowney, said: “Being able to support a wide variety of sports clubs to increase their provision through this grant scheme is a real positive for our communities. The opportunity to participate in sport and activity regardless of age, gender, or ability is incredibly important to leading happy and healthy lives. Delivering funding programmes like this is just one element of creating a better Bromsgrove for all.”

So far, the grants have supported seven different sports clubs in Bromsgrove.

The projects funded have been for a variety of sports and are aimed at supporting various communities in increasing their participation in sport.

Manor Badminton Club and Woodrush Community Hub have successfully completed their projects. Introducing community badminton sessions for all to increase adult participation in the sport and the development of walking hockey sessions to create accessible sessions, respectively.

Five other projects currently receiving funding and developing their projects include: the introduction of women’s football and rugby teams for a range of ages, creation of over 50s football offerings, and increasing provision for those with disabilities who want to play football by creating a pan-disability team.

For more details on the funding and the projects, please visit or contact Sports Development on / 01527 881404

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