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Scams and Fraud

Scams and frauds can come via many means, such as the internet, telephone, by post or in person, they can also take many forms and are constantly changing and adapting to current affairs. Events such as the Coronation and the Covid pandemic saw scams exploiting those situations.

Professor Keith Brown is currently chair of the NHS Safeguarding Adults National Network, which oversees and produces guidance on all areas of adult safeguarding. His other main role is leading the national research into fraud and scams for the National Scams Team.

Below is a video by Professor Brown on this subject.

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber-crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber-crime. Their website also has a news page where you can find out about current scams.

Neighbourhood Matters is West Mercia Police’s community messaging service. Through Neighbourhood Matters you can sign up for local police alerts; receive information about crime in your area, you can choose what type of alert you wish to receive and this includes fraud, this is a good way of keeping informed of what frauds and scams are appearing locally. Sign up for alerts via this link.

Age UK | The UK's leading charity helping every older person who needs us provide helpful advice on scams. Scams advice – How to spot and avoid scams | Age UK and produce a useful booklet on the subject which you can find here, Avoiding scams downloadable information guide | Age UK

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