26 January 2017 - Bromsgrove District Plan adopted
On 25th January 2017, Bromsgrove District Council resolved to adopt the Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030. Full details can be found on the Adoption page.
You will find news related to the formal examination in public of the Bromsgrove District Plan here.(per year)
On 25th January 2017, Bromsgrove District Council resolved to adopt the Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030. Full details can be found on the Adoption page.
The Inspector has now issued his report into the soundness of the Bromsgrove District Plan. This report should be read in conjunction with his report into the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4.
To read the report, please visit the Inspector’s Report page.
The Inspector has now published a list of proposed Main Modifications to the submitted Plan which he considers are required to make the Plan sound. There is now an opportunity to comment on these proposed Main Modifications before the Inspector issues his final reports.
For more information and to find out how to submit a response please visit our Main Modifications Consultation page. (closed)
New Local Plan Procedural guidance has been published by the Planning Inspectorate , you can find out more here.
The Examination Documents List has been updated, the new documents are highlighted
The Council has had the following message from the Inspector holding the Examination into the Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-30 and the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4:
The hearing sessions are now closed and the Inspector is preparing his report. It is anticipated that a schedule of Main Modifications will be issued for consultation later this year.
The Council have submitted to the Inspector, as he requested, a Legal Opinion on the requirements of SEA.
The agenda for the resumed hearing on Wednesday 23 March has been issued today.
The agenda for the resumed hearing on Thursday 24 March has been issued today.
The Examination Documents List updated 17 /03/2021 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The examination Documents List updated 16 March 2016 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The Examination Documents List updated 14 March 2016 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The Examination Documents List updated 11 March 2016 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The Inspector has announced that resumed hearings will be held to consider the additional evidence published by the Councils on 31 December 2015 and 4 January 2016, along with the representations made in respect of those documents, as follows:
Wednesday 23 March 2016 – Site Selection Exercise for Meeting the Housing Growth Needs of Redditch
Thursday 24 March 2016 – Housing Land Supply and any other outstanding matters
Both sessions will take place in the Council Chamber, Redditch Town Hall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch and will commence at 10.00am.
Agendas will be issued in due course.
All participants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the hearing statements produced by the Councils and other parties in respect of the matters addressed at this session (see examination websites).
The Examination Documents List updated 7 March 2016 has been updated to include the statements submitted for the hearing later this month, all new documents are highlighted.
Consultation on the additional documents that were submitted to the Inspector on 31st December 2015 has now ended.
The Examination Documents List updated 21 January 2016 has been updated with the addition of OED/47, which is highlighted.
The Examination Documents List updated 19 January 2016 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The deadline for further statements for the hearing sessions due to take place on 23/24 March is 5pm on Friday 4 March. Please note that the submission of statements is not a requirement, as the Inspector will have copies of all the consultation responses.
The Examination Documents List updated 7 January 2016 has been updated and the new documents are highlighted.
Due to an editing error the document entitled “Narrative on the Site Selection Process for the Growth Areas at Redditch” dated December 2015 has been amended to include two missing subsections on ‘Topography’ (page 56, Paras 9.68 - 9.77) and ‘Landscape’ (page 57, Paras 9.78 - 9.85) which appear within section 9, all the following paragraph numbers in section 9 have been amended to reflect the insertion of these subsections.
A revised document of the same title has now been uploaded onto the website (see below) bearing the January 2016 date denoting the most up to date version.
A further document entitled "Heritage Assets Harm Versus Public Benefits Statement" has also been added to the website for consultation.
The consultation period will accordingly be extended by 2 days to take account of this and will now end on Tuesday 16th February 2016 at 5pm.
The Councils have written to the Inspector and submitted the following additional work:
Narrative of the Site Selection Process for the Growth Areas at Redditch
Hewell Grange Estate: Setting of Heritage Assets Assessment
Lanehouse Farm: Setting of Heritage Assets Assessment
Heritage Assets Harm Versus Public Benefits Statement
Bromsgrove Updated Five Year Housing Land Supply
Redditch Updated Five Year Housing Land Supply
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
Comments are invited on the above documents until 5pm on Tuesday 16th February 2016.
The Inspector has asked for it to be stressed that comments are being sought only on the above documents and that there is no need to restate any previous comments or objections.
Comments should be emailed to: consultplanning@bromsgroveandredditch.gov.uk or posted to:
Bromsgrove and Redditch Planning Policy Teams
Town Hall
Walter Stranz Square
B98 8AH
If you have any queries you are welcome to call 01527 64252 3376, 01527 881325 or 07852437802
The 23 and 24 March 2016 have been identified as the date(s) for the further hearings. It is not yet possible to confirm whether one or two days will be required.
The Inspector asks that all parties note that the hearing(s) will be the opportunity to discuss the additional information, due to be submitted by the Councils on 30 December. There will be no discussion on matters which have already been discussed at previous hearing sessions.
The Examination Documents List updated 2 November 2015 has been updated, the new documents are highlighted.
The Councils have today written to the inspector, in response to his letter of 18 September.
The Examination Documents List updated 22 October 2015 has been updated and the new documents are highlighted.
Following receipt of the Councils' proposed work programme and timetable, the Inspector has written to Redditch and Bromsgrove Councils.
The Examination Documents List updated 21 September 2015 that has been updated and the new documents are highlighted.
The Councils have submitted to the Inspector their proposed timetable and work programme.
The Inspector's response will be available here once issued.
The Councils have submitted a joint response to the Inspector's Post Hearing Note and the Inspector has agreed to their suggested course of action.
The Inspector’s Post-Hearings Note has been submitted to the Council.
The Councils have published the following document to clarify the recent SA process in line with a request from the Inspector.
The Agenda for Tuesday 23 June is available here
The Agenda for Wednesday 24 June is available here
The Examination Documents List updated 9th June 2015 has been updated to include the statements submitted for the hearing session on 23/24 June. The new documents are highlighted.
A Statement of Common Ground has been submitted between Bromsgrove District Council and Historic England
Sajid Javid MP has written to the Inspector: letter dated 28.5.15
The Examination Documents List has been updated, the new documents are highlighted on Examination Documents List 20 May 2015
An email from the Council and their analysis of the responses to the update to Bromsgrove's 5 Year Housing Land Supply were omitted from the Examination Documents List, this has now been corrected. The documents are highlighted on the updated Documents List 27 March 2015
As you may be aware, the 2012-based household projections for England 2012-2037 were released on 27 February 2015. The Inspector invites the comments of the council, and any other party, on the implications of the updated figures in respect of the ongoing examinations of the Bromsgrove District Plan and the Borough of Redditch Local Plan no. 4. Any comments should be sent to the Programme Officer for receipt by 30 April 2015.
The Documents List 29th January 2015 has been updated to include responses received from neighbouring authorities to Bromsgrove’s proposed specific retail floor space requirement.
The Examination document list 27 January 2015 has been updated. The new documents are highlighted, these include responses to the Updated 5 Year Housing Land Supply.
The Councils have today confirmed the timetable for the further SA work.
The Councils have responded to the Inspector's Note of 13 January.
There has been an email exchange between the Councils and the Programme Officer, on behalf of the Inspector. This relates to the further SA work to be undertaken by Redditch Borough Council.
An updated 6 January 2015 Examination Documents List is now available.
The Council has now updated its 5 year housing land supply document to represent the position at 1st January 2015.
The Council have invited comments on the report from respondents by midnight on the 19th January 2015. The Inspector has asked that all comments be collated and where necessary responses from the Council provided, this information will all be made available on the website on or after 26th January 2015.
Cross Boundary session scheduled for 20 January 2105 - important information regarding the session is available here
A new Examination Documents List is available, the documents which have been added are highlighted
A letter has been sent to the Inspector by Sajid Javid MP
The Inspector's response is available here
An updated version of the documents list is now available, which includes all the statements for the cross boundary session.
The council have submitted a Note following Day 6 by Bromsgrove District Council – Worcestershire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (November 2014) Stakeholder Consultation and relationship with BDP representors.
The Examination Hearing Agenda is now available for:
The Council have submitted an errata to their statement for Matter B5.
The Examination Hearings Agendas are now available for:
An updated version of the Core Documents List is now available, the documents that have been added are highlighted.
A Statement of Common Ground between Bromsgrove District Council and West Mercia Police is available.
A Statement of Common Ground between Bromsgrove District Council and Taylor Wimpey is available.
The Examination Documents List has been updated to include the statements for the hearings into the Bromsgrove District Plan, other new documents are highlighted.
The Council have updated the Core Documents List.
A letter has been sent to the Inspector by Sajid Javid MP
The Inspector's response is available here
Redditch Borough Council have now submitted the additional work requested by the Inspector.
Letter dated 5 November from the Council
CDR18.23 Redditch Sustainability Appraisal Refresh
CDX 1.47 Addendum to the Housing Growth Development Study and the Housing Growth Sustainability Appraisal
The Inspector has today issued an updated Hearings Programme for the December hearings.
To allow participants to the Cross-boundary allocations, time to consider and respond to the additional information that Redditch Borough Council are due to submit on Thursday 6 November 2014, statements for these sessions are now due by 6pm on Thursday 4 December 2014.
Following the hearing in to the Redditch Local Plan, further documents have been added and are highlighted on the Examination Documents List 9.10.14
On 25 September the Council submitted a letter to the Inspector regarding Objectively Assessed Housing Needs
OED1 and OED2 have been added to the Examination Documents List 12.9.14
The hearings programme has been amended. The text that has been added is coloured in red.
The Inspector has today issued a revised version of the hearings programme, which now includes sessions on the Bromsgrove District Plan and the Cross-Boundary Allocations
On the 1 September the Council submitted their response to the Inspector's Interim conclusions
The Inspector has since responded to the Council
Letter from the Inspector to Bromsgrove District Council dated 4 September 2014
On 7 July 2014 the Inspector raised Further Queries with the Council on Objectively Assessed Housing Needs.
On 14 July the Council responded to the Inspector's Further Queries, (the documents referred to in the response are referenced PIH3-5 in the updated Examination Documents List below).
The Council have produced an erratum to Regulation Section 22 (1) (c) (v) Report (Core Document CD 1.7).
The Examination Documents List 14.7.14 has been updated and the new documents are highlighted on the List.
Following the initial hearing sessions the Councils have submitted further requested information to the Inspector, this is highlighted on the updated Examination Documents List 26.6.14
The initial hearings took place on 16/17 June. The Inspector has indicated that he will publish his Interim Conclusions by Friday 18 July.
An updated Examination Documents List 20.6.14 is available, documents recently added are highlighted.
The Examination Documents List 12.6.14 has been updated as follows
ED/10 – Agenda for Monday 16 June.
ED/11 – Agenda for Tuesday 17 June.
FWS/9 – Letter from the Highways Agency dated 9 June 2014.
The Examination documents list is now available, the list includes links to all the statements submitted for the initial hearings on 16/17 June. Examination Documents List 6.6.14
The Core Documents List has been updated. Core Documents List 6.6.14
The Inspector has added "Requested boundary alterations (if required)" to both the Redditch & Bromsgrove hearing sessions to the Programme
An updated version of the Hearings Programme is now available.
Following comments received on the Draft Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) the Inspector has now issued the final version.
The following comments were received on the Draft MIQs:
The deadline for statements for the September sessions is now Monday 1 September, the Inspector has produced an explanatory note.
The Guidance Notes v.2 have been amended to reflect this change.
The Inspector has issued the Draft Hearings Programme.
The Inspector has also issued his Draft Matters, Issues and Questions Paper. This Paper is open to comment by respondents until 5pm on Monday 12 May 2014.
A joint letter from the Councils to the Inspector's Further Note of 10 April 2014 is available. Councils Response 30.4.14
The Inspector has today written to both Bromsgrove and Redditch Councils, responding to their response of 4 April 2014 Inspectors Note 10.04.14
The Inspector has issued Guidance Notes for all respondents
The Councils' response to the Inspector's note is available here and the Amion Report referred to in the response is also available. This can be downloaded here.
The Inspector has today written to both Bromsgrove and Redditch Councils regarding the issue of objectively assessed housing needs. Inspector's Note 26.3.14
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