Knowledge Bank for Bromsgrove and Redditch
The Council, with the support of partners, have created a directory of services for the Redditch and Bromsgrove areas. The purpose of the directory is to list public, voluntary and community sector organisations working in these areas, and to give a flavour of the types of services they provide.
Specific events and sessions are not listed in the directory, instead contact details and websites are given of organisations providing the type of service you wish to know about, which the user can then utilise to find out further information.
The Knowledge Bank can be found here
Get listed
If you would like your organisation to be listed, please send the contact details (name, address, telephone number, email address and website address) and a description of the work and services that your organisation offers to us.
Comments or suggestions
If you have comments or suggestions regarding the Knowledge Bank, please email us
You will find our contact details here
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