The process of Voting by proxy
Under certain circumstances you can apply for a proxy vote which allows you to nominate someone else to attend the polling station and cast your vote.
In order to be able to vote by proxy, both the elector and the person they have appointed as proxy must be registered to vote. Unless both parties have received confirmation that they are registered then proxy votes cannot be put in place.
You can apply for a proxy vote if you meet one of the following criteria
- You are registered blind
- You receive the higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance
- You have a physical incapacity; or your employment is such that you could not attend the polling station
- You can also apply for a proxy vote for one election if you will be away on holiday or away from home at the time of the election
- If you apply for a proxy vote because you have a physical incapacity or due to the nature of your employment your application must be supported by a doctor or your employer.
Applications for a proxy vote can be made up to six days before polling day but an "emergency” proxy vote can be applied for after this date for those who could not have applied earlier because of unforeseen health reasons. "An emergency” application can be made up to 5pm on polling day. Contact us to make an emergency application.
Apply for a proxy vote
Please complete and return this proxy vote application to us by the latest 6 (six) working days before the election here's our address.
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