Demolishing a building
If you are considering demolishing any kind of building, we can help.
By law you must tell us of your intention to demolish six weeks before you start work. This is called giving us ‘prior notice’. Simply submit a Demolition Notice to us to start this process.
North Worcestershire Building Control’s experienced surveyors will provide you with any advice and guidance you may need before you submit anything. You will not have to pay any fees.
Prior notice is required because a number of regulations apply to demolitions. We may need to agree how you intend to do it, apply conditions to the work, agree how you propose to restore the site afterwards, and other matters that we must set out in formal notices.
You will not normally need planning permission to demolish a building unless there are specific conditions on the property or if it is listed or in a conservation area. If in doubt please ask us, and prevent the risk of legal action being taken against you.
Please note there is no guarantee that you will get planning permission to rebuild any demolished building, or change the use of any site.
Submit a Demolition Notice
Complete and return this Demolition notice form together with a site plan and demolition method statement at least six weeks before demolition starts.
You will also need to send complete copies of your paperwork to the occupiers of adjacent buildings, the gas company, the electric company, and the sewerage/water company.
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