Local Plan
Who is collecting this information?
This information is being collected by Bromsgrove District Council.
Why we collect and use this information?
We are collecting this information for the purpose of the Bromsgrove District Plan Review. We are processing this information under the legal basis of the councils public task.
Storing this information
We will keep your personal data until the plan has been adopted or if you request to be taken off the database prior to this. It will be used only for the purpose stated and will not be shared or sold.
Data collection requirements
We may need to share the information that you give to us with the Planning Inspectorate (Secretary of State) as part of the legal obligation and plan making process, but the information will not be used in any profiling/automated decision making.
Representations will be available to view on the Council’s website, although address and contact details will not be included. However, as copies of representations must be made available for public inspection, they cannot be treated as confidential and will be available for inspection in full.
Further information
If you would like further information about this privacy notice, please contact the Strategic Planning Team; strategicplanning@bromsgroveandredditch.gov.uk
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