Self-Build and Custom House building
Bromsgrove District Council collect your personal details in accordance with the terms set out in The Self-Build and Custom House building (Register) Regulations 2016. We will retain your details for monitoring purposes, and we may contact you in future in regard to your interest in self-build projects. We will not use your details for any other purpose.
By registering your interest in the Self-Build Register you agree to us processing your personal information as described above.
The data collected is:
- Name
- Address
- Date of birth (as proof that you are over 18)
- Nationality (to be eligible you must be a British Citizen, a national of an EEA state other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland)
- Evidence of a local connection which may necessitate the disclosure of the following information:
- Evidence of residency
- Evidence of employment
- A family association
- Examples of any special circumstances
If you wish to be removed from the Register please notify us in writing at and your details will be deleted within 28 days from receipt of this request. In the case of a group, the request must come from the lead contact. Otherwise your information will be retained.
This information will not be shared/sold to any other service/organisation unless we have a duty to do so under law.
No decisions around this data are made by automated means.
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