Catshill and North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Plan 'made'
A referendum in to the Catshill and North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 7th October 2021. View the Notice of Result for this referendum.
At a meeting of the District Council on 3 November 2021, a decision was taken to 'make' the Neighbourhood Plan, which now forms part of the statutory development plan for determining planning applications in the neighbourhood area of Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish.
A copy of the Council's decision statement can be viewed here: Regulation 19 Decision Statement
The 'made' neighbourhood plan approved by referendum can be viewed in the Referendum section below.
A referendum in to the Catshill and North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 7th October 2021. Details are set out in the following Referendum Information Statement.
In addition to this (and the Examiner's Report and BDC Reg 18 Decision Statement available to view below on this page), the specified documents for the referendum period, in line with Regulation 4 of the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations 2012 and Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), can be viewed below:
General Planning Information Statement
Catshill And North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan Summary Of Reg 16 Representations
Catshill And North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan (Modified Version Following Examination)
Examiner's Report and Regulation 18 Statement
Following an independent examination of the Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan, the examiner's report was received by Bromsgrove District Council and the Parish Council on the 3rd June 2021.
The report can be viewed here along with the District Council's Regulation 18 Decision Statement, which explains that a modified version of the Catshill and North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan, as recommended by the independent examiner, will proceed to referendum in due course.
Examination and Regulation 16 Representations
An independent examiner, Mr David Kaiserman, has been appointed to undertake an examination of the Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The neighbourhood plan submission documents and supporting documentation, have been sent to Mr Kaiserman to begin the examination.
Representations received by Bromsgrove District Council, in accordance with the 'Regulation 16' period between 25th February - 8th April 2021, can be viewed using the links below:
CNMNP01 Severn Trent
CNMNP02 Coal Authority 170321
CNMNP03 Natural England 180321
CNMNP04 Dodford With Grafton Parish Council
CNMNP05 Lickey And Blackwell Parish Council
CNMNP06 Mr Easthill
CNMNP07 WCC Strategic Planning
CNMNP08 Historic England
CNMNP09 Eldnar Ltd
CNMNP10 Avison Young National Grid
CNMNP12 Turley
CNMNP13 Avisoncyoung St Philips
CNMNP14 Savills
Neighbourhood Plan Submission and Regulation 16 Period
The Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Bromsgrove District Council and the District Council is satisfied the Neighbourhood Plan is in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Representations are invited during a six week period as part of the Council's obligations under Regulation 16 of the above regulations.
The following documents have been submitted by the Parish Council (the 'qualifying body') to Bromsgrove District Council:
Catshill And North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Catshill And North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
Basic Conditions Statement Submission Verion 6Th January2021
A screening assessment was also undertaken in July 2020 to determine if the emerging Neighbourhood Plan required a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or a Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA). The SEA and HRA screening assessment and the statutory consultee responses can be viewed below:
Natural England Response
Historic England Response
Environment Agency Response
SEA And HRA Screening Assessment July 2020
Area Designation
Bromsgrove District Council approved the designation of the Parish of Catshill and North Marlbrook as a neighbourhood area in October 2016. This was in accordance with The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The qualifying body was Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Council.
Catshill And North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan Application Letter 11.10.2016
Catsill And North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan Area Map
Catshill And North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Plan Designation Letter 20.10.2016
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