Publication Scheme
The publication scheme commits an authority to make information available as part of its normal business activities. The Council has adopted the Information Commissioners Office model publication scheme. This is a set of definition documents that a public authority should make routinely available.
If the information you are looking for is not published, you may wish to submit a Freedom of Information request to the council.
Classes of Information
Who we are and what we do
What we spend and how we spend it
- Expenditure over £500
- Government Procurement Card transactions
- Financial accounts and audits of accounts
- Salaries and council pay policy statement
- Invitations to tender
- Land and property assets
- Grant awards
- Financial publications
- Members ward funds
- Waste contracts
How we make decisions
- Meeting minutes and agendas
- Overview and scrutiny
- Petitions
- The council plan
- Planning policies
- Consultation
Our policies and procedures
- Planning policy
- Private sector housing policy
- Planning enforcement policy
- Council tax reduction scheme
- Local development plan
Lists and registers
- Register of enforcement and stop notices
- Electoral register
- Register of interests
- Public register of licences
- Parking
The services we offer
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