At your first inspection we will have told you when we need to inspect again. When the time comes, simply contact your surveyor again to arrange.
As a good rule of thumb, arrange your inspection before anything substantial is covered up. We cannot inspect work that we cannot see.
We will issue a completion certificate following a satisfactory inspection where we have seen that your work has been carried out according to the plans and meets the regulations. In the unlikely event of an unsatisfactory inspection, we will advise you on what to do. We are unable to issue a Completion Certificate on any application received after April 6th 2024 unless the Three Party Declaration issued by us at the time of application has been completed and received.
If you are selling the property we strongly advise that you do not leave the last inspection until shortly before exchanging contracts. We know from experience that this can and does delay completion of sales.
Many people assume the builder will be contacting us to arrange a completion. This is not always the case and we strongly advise this is discussed between all parties.