Building Regulation Records
Past Building Regulation Application Details
Basic Building regulation application details can be found on the 'view and comment on planning applications' page of this website. Select the drop down box to click on Building Control. Please note only basic information is given as, unlike planning applications, building control information is not on public deposit.
Copies of building regulation application information such as plans and approvals etc. are only available to building owners or their appointed agents and at the discretion of the local authority. For the purposes of Freedom of Information, application information is considered to have a reasonable expectation of confidentiality when submitted and thus we consider it to be exempt from this legislation. Please note that in line with Government guidance, Building Regulations application information need only be retained for 15 years. We cannot guarantee that information older than this will be available.
The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014
Building Control
The Building Control information provided on this public access facility accords with the requirements of the above Regulations. Submitted documents to support building regulations applications are considered confidential under the terms of Section 9 of the above Regulations and are therefore unavailable to view using this portal. Building Regulations Approvals, Rejections or Acceptances are made having regard to the performance requirements of the Building Act 1984 and Building Regulations 2010 as amended and the information provided by the applicant as part of their application. The decisions made, relevant dates and site addresses are however available using the public access portal on this website.
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